Thursday 29 September 2016

The Magestic Victoria Falls.

Also known as 'The Smoke that Thunders', Victoria Falls is one of the most iconic sights on the continent. In more modern terms, Victoria Falls is known as the greatest curtain of falling water in the world.

 The Victoria Falls are formed by the rapids of River Zambezi that is mostly in Zimbabwe but a part of which meanders through Zambia. The Victoria Water Falls forms a border between both countries.

Columns of spray can be seen from miles away. As at the height of the rainy season, more than five hundred million cubic meters of water per minute plummet over the edge, over a width of nearly two kilometers, into a gorge over one hundred meters below. The wide, basalt cliff over which the falls thunder, transforms the Zambezi from a placid river into a ferocious torrent cutting through a series of dramatic gorges.

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