Tuesday 29 November 2016

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Image result for bwindi impenetrable national park in ugandaImage result for bwindi impenetrable national park in uganda
 Bwindi Impenetrable National Park lies in southwestern Uganda on the edge of the Rift Valley. Its mist-covered hillsides are blanketed by one of Uganda's oldest and most biologically diverse rainforests, which dates back over 25,000 years and contains almost 400 species of plants. More famously, this “impenetrable forest” also protects an estimated 320 mountain gorillas – roughly half of the world’s population, including several habituated groups, which can be tracked.
This biologically diverse region also provides shelter to a further 120 mammals, including several primate species such as baboons and chimpanzees, as well as elephants and antelopes. There are around 350 species of birds hosted in this forest, including 23 Albertine Rift endemicsImage result for bwindi impenetrable national park in uganda.
The neighboring towns of Buhoma and Nkuringo both have an impressive array of luxury lodges, rustic bandas and budget campsites, as well as restaurants, craft stalls and guiding services. Opportunities abound to discover the local Bakiga and Batwa Pygmy cultures through performances, workshops and village walksImage result for bwindi impenetrable national park in uganda.

Coba Mexico


  The Maya ruins at Cobá are unique in that only a few of its estimated 6,500 structures have been uncovered, but the ones that have been are graceful and impressive.

On these quiet and peaceful grounds it´s hard to imagine that Cobá may have once had the largest population of all the ancient Mayan cities. This vast Mayan archeological site dates from 600-900 A.D. and there were an estimated 100,000 people living in its domain. It was the heart of a large metropolis composed of many cities within the eastern Yucatan.

Much can be learned about the ancient Maya in the architecture of Coba's pyramids and buildings situated on the shores of several lakes. As many as fifty sacbes (ancient roads) led into this huge Mayan city center, one of them over 62 miles long -- the longest in the Mayan world. Today few people live in Cobá, leaving one to ponder how such a great city fell into complete decline.

The steepness of the Nohoc Mul pyramid (the tallest in the Yucatan at over 126 feet) and the building techniques employed here are characteristic of the Petan region of Guatemala. There are stories that indicate a ruling queen here married a priest from Tikal, which has the tallest Mayan pyramid. This may be why the architecture of the two sites is similar.

Climbing the 120 stairs to the top of the Grand Pyramid at Cobá is well worth the effort. Standing here one can see over the jungle canopy for miles, unexcavated temple mounds peeking above the trees.

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The small temple building which crowns the pyramid has two small carvings that are known as a ¨diving god¨ over the door. There are many theories about the meaning of these curious carvings, which are also found in Tulum. They have also been called ¨the bee god¨ or ¨the god descending¨ and have been associated with the planet Venus.

On an early morning walk through these extensive ruins in the jungle, one can see numerous species of birds, butterflies and animals, even the occasional spider monkey. Large ceiba trees intertwine with ancient stonework. The sounds of the jungle create an entertaining symphony. The beautiful natural setting of Cobá is a pleasure to explore.


Mount Longonot, Kenya

Mount Longonot, now extinct, rises from the floor of the Great Rift Valley in Kenya. It has a small population of vegetation and is home to various species of wildlife, including zebras, giraffes and  buffaloes. The mountain is not all that steep, but is certainly a work out considering it is over 9000 feet tall. At the top of the mountain is its crater which runs 7.2 kilometers. From the top of the mountain, you are able to see Lake Naivasha. It is a wonderful experience which anyone with reasonably good fitness should be able to do. 
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Image result for mount longonot                                    Image result for mount longonot 

Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda

With over 1000 square kilometers of rain forest and 2000 mm of rain every year, Nyungwe forest is Africa's most protected mountain forest. It is home to over 400 species of chimpanzees, 75 mammal species, about 310 bird species, and over 340 different plant species. The forest has trails with ranging difficulties, and a canopy walk that is about 60 meters above the forest. In order to get to the forest, one must first go through a tea plantation. The greenery and rich aroma fill he air.There is a lot to see. The area consists of different lodges and hotels depending on what you're willing to spend. The experience is worth every penny.This forest caters to the needs of all adventure seekers.

Monday 28 November 2016

Meet the beasts of Maasai Mara.

Their migration is the best part. They migrate in groups and crowds to ensure their strength in numbers when facing attacks from predators.

Make Maasai mara you tour destination today, and see their life in the park. how they hunt, feed and take care of their young ones.


Enjoy watching mother nature's gifts first hand by visiting the beautiful Tarangire National park in the Serengrti, and get to see the amazing white giraffe; one the rarest giraffe species found in the world and in Africa, found only in Tanzania.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Belem Tower or the Tower of St Vincent is a fortified tower located in the civil parish of Santa maria De Belem in the municipality of Lisbon, Portugal. It is a UNESCO  world heritage site(along with the nearby jeronimos monastery ) because of the significant role it played in the Portuguese maritime discoveries of the era of the age of discoveries. The tower was commissioned by king john II to be part of a defense system at the mouth of the Tagus river and a ceremonial gateway to Lisbon.